Impact Report
Partner with us to empower students to impact their communities
COVID-19 has created a gap for students. This program supports students' social, emotional, cultural, and community development.
The Program cultivates youth leadership and community engagement, which fits the whole-child approach to the Community Schools framework set by the Department of Education.
Students engage in real-world opportunities through community service projects, interacting with leaders, planning and implementing projects, problem-solving, creating and managing a project budget, hosting school-wide and community events, and participating in civic field trips.
Students expressed their desire to learn more about local government and community involvement. Students carried themselves with new confidence. Students understood what goes into the daily workings of a city and how decisions are made.
Councilman Hampton, from Pasadena District 1, shared his story and answered questions in a student-led presentation. The Leadership class students did a fantastic job planning and hosting the event.
"I cannot stop talking about my time with you students. In every meeting I had today, I mentioned it I was so impressed by your students. Their questions were amazing, and their level of engagement was great. I am so honored and blessed to have been able to play a small part in these young people's educational journey and introduce them to city governance"
-Councilman Hampton
The middle school students headed to Pasadena City Hall to meet with Mayor Gordo in his office. Mr. Mayor generously shared his story and opened up the time for questions. The students respectfully listened and asked thoughtful questions.
The students were invited to participate in a mock City Council Meeting after the meeting. Mayor Gordo and Councilman Jones spent one hour facilitating a discussion on a sustainability plan. Students were called on to share their thoughts and conclude with a vote for implementation.
My name is Bree Jensen
Bree Jensen, The Executive Director of the Social Impact Students Initiative and creator of the Student Program, has 20 years of experience working as a youth advocate focused on youth well-being. Bree contributes to various media outlets, such as Family Circle, NBC Affiliates, CBS, and USA Today. Bree's experience in Higher Ed, K-12 education, and corporate social responsibility for large companies provides expertise across many industries and categories. Bree has launched nonprofits and social enterprises and has a Master's degree in Social Entrepreneurship and Change from Pepperdine University. Bree has worked as a character development and leadership educator for top educational nonprofits, such as Rachel's Challenge, Teen Line, and Discovery Education. She serves on the boards of Pepperdine University's Social Entrepreneurship Master's Program and the youth mentoring organization, Young Life.